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MEXT Scholarship Announcement (SUMS) 2021

MEXT Scholarship Announcement - Shiga University of Medical Science (SUMS)

Shiga University of Medical Science (SUMS) is now accepting Japanese government scholarship applications to its graduate programs. This scholarship is the most prestigious of its type in Japan. SUMS believes this would be the most motivating and best opportunity for your students to achieve their academic success.

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship
This scholarship is offered on an annual basis to students who wish to continue their studies in Japan. Shiga University of Medical Science (SUMS) will select preliminary applicants and top four candidates will be accepted as a Special Program grantees and the fifth and under candidates will recommended to MEXT through our screening committee as university-recommended (General Program) candidates.

1.  Qualification
i.  Age 
Applicants must be born on or after April 2, 1986.
ii. Language Proficiency 
Applicants must be proficient in the English or Japanese language and meet the following condition:
(a)  Have obtained an English language proficiency test score that is equivalent to CEFR level B2 or higher (e.g. TOEFL iBT 72 or above, IELTS 5.5 or above) or have passed N2 or N1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) on or after December 4, 2018 .
(b)  Has completed an educational program whose primary language of instruction is English or Japanese that satisfies the entrance requirements to our graduate school.

* To see what counts as “equivalent to CEFR level B2 or higher”, please refer to the attached CEFR Equivalency Chart.

2. Selection
The candidates who have been selected as the Special Program grantees will be accepted into our graduate school without any further screening step. Please note that other candidates who have been selected as university-recommended (General Program) candidates, the final selection will be made by MEXT.
Our screening committee will select the scholarship grantees of each program and the candidates will be informed of the outcome in March 2021.
The final results of MEXT scholarship will be announced at the end of June 2021.

3. Program
The Special Program grantees may enroll in SUMS’ doctoral programs in October 2021. The General Program grantees will be accepted as research students in October 2021 and have to successfully pass our entrance examination in November 2021. The General Program students will be officially enrolled in our doctoral programs in April 2022.

4. Scholarship Benefit
University matriculation and tuition fees are paid.
Allowance:  About ¥140,000 per month will be given to each grantee during the four-year period of his/her scholarship, with the understanding that the scholarship will be suspended if the grantee’s academic performance is significantly poor.

5. Curriculum
Special program:  Special program is a mix of NCD course and Interdisciplinary Medical Science and Innovation Course. In your 1st and 2nd year, lectures of epidemiology, medical statistics and NCD will be provided at our NCD Epidemiology Leader’s Course. In your 3rd year, you have to choose NCD course or NCD Epidemiology Leader’s Course.
General program:  Lectures of NCD at our NCD Epidemiology Leader’s Course or lectures of Advanced Medical Science Course will be provided.
Please see the following website for further details about the curriculum https://www.shiga-med.ac.jp/hqcera/en/index.html

6. Selection Timetable
i.  Recommendation to MEXT
Our screening committee will choose top four candidates for Special
Program and other several candidates for General Program in March 2021.
ii. Final Results
Upon the MEXT’s decision and that of our committee, the candidates will receive final results at the end of June 2021.

7. Academic Calendar for Class of 2021
Special Program Student
  Arrival in Japan and
  Doctoral Matriculation                October 2021
  Completion of the Doctoral degree     September 2025

General Program Student
  Arrival in Japan and
  Accepted as a research student        October 2021
  Doctoral Entrance Examination         November 2021
  Doctoral Matriculation                April 2022
  Completion of the Doctoral degree     March 2026

8.  Submission of Application Documents
Submission of application documents is a multi-step process:
i. If you wish to apply for, please make sure to let us know the information including your proposed department, division, supervisor and program as well as your research topic, name and current position by January 25, 2021. Applications and other documents must be submitted to our Student Division by email by January 28, 2021.

i. Proposed Department, Division and Supervisor;
All applicants have to select a proposed department, division and supervisor. Please refer to the attached file.

ii. Proposed Program
All applicants have to choose either special program or general program.

Student Division, Shiga University of Medical Science
ZIP: 520-2192 / Seta Tsukinowa-cho, Otsu, Shiga, JAPAN
Email: hqshogak@belle.shiga-med.ac.jp

International Center, Shiga University of Medical Science
Email: hqkouryu@belle.shiga-med.ac.jp

Attached files at https://ump.edu.vn/uploads/ckeditor/files/Ct__MEXT_Scholarship_Announcement_(SUMS)_2021.zip