2020 Global Health Forum in Taiwan

2020 Global Health Forum in Taiwan


Since Taipei Veterans General Hospital has signed MOU with your hospital for the goal to share medical experience to each other, it's my pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to join the online 2020 Global Health Forum in Taiwan on Oct. 23-24, 2020.

Forum Theme: Achieving SDGs In the Post-COVID-19 Era: Innovation, Inclusion and Partnership


Faced with the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Forum of 2020 will incorporate discussions and examinations into the impacts of the viral outbreak on Sustainable Development Goals, followed by insights on how resiliency and humanity must cope with the post-COVID19 pandemic era, and how the global pandemic has profoundly influenced both the existing and emerging threats to health and well-being worldwide, such as health equity, non-communicable diseases, environment and health care systems. The Forum will also feature ideas and discussion on how innovative technology, inclusiveness and partnership between government and private sectors can be utilized to improve and mitigate the impact of pandemic on health service delivery.


We' would like to share the event with our MOU hospitals by the way of tele-conference. The conference is divided into different topics and will be lectured by international speakers in English for our Vietnamese friend as attached.


Please click the link below to join the live broadcast of 2020 Global Health Forum in Taiwan.

Thank you very much and look forward to your participation.


Live broadcast address,




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