Open webinar on Practical Ethics in a Diverse ASEAN: New Challenges and Priorities For Action

Open webinar on Practical Ethics in a Diverse ASEAN: New Challenges and Priorities For Action Jointly organised by the ASEAN University Network Secretariat, ASEAN Human Development Organisation, and the Association for International Human Rights Reporting Standards, the webinar is open to all who would like to learn more about applied ethics in various societal sectors of the ASEAN region

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for professionals, social entrepreneurs, and thought leaders across different sectors:

·       Universities

·       Business

·       Youth groups and students 

·       Civil Society Organisations

·       Individuals working on ethical issues in the region

·       Government


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light many ethical issues in ASEAN, new and old. While its diversity has been a source of wealth in different perspectives, it has also proved challenging in building an ASEAN community that can find common ethical ground amidst its range of value systems and national differences.
This webinar is to bring together people from various sectors in ASEAN to discuss and confront ethical challenges in regional contexts within the realm of business, education, and society.


Join this webinar with speakers from academic sectorsyouth organizations (AYO), and individual youths who have interests and contributions to areas relating to ethics within their societies at national and international levels. The webinar also aims to:


  • Identify ethics issues within the ASEAN region that are priorities for the region 
  • Discuss and advise on actions and initiatives to make an impact
  • Connect and agree to collaborate across ASEAN entities and with the ASEAN Secretariat
  • Leverage the networks of ASEAN entities for research, white papers, and common actions


The webinar will take place on 28 January 2021. at 09.00 – 11.30 GMT+7 (Bangkok and Jakarta local time)


Please book your seat by filling in the registration at


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