hội thảo online "Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education" của Cơ quan Trao đổi Hàn lâm Đức (DAAD) ngày 5&6/10/2020.
Hạn chót nộp proposal: 01/08/2020 (không bắt buộc nộp để đăng ký tham dự).
Thời gian mở đăng ký online trên website: tháng 8/2020.
Thông tin chi tiết và đăng ký tại https://www.daad.de/en/the-daad/what-we-do/moving-target/
Moving target digitalisation: re-thinking global exchange in higher education (German Academic Exchange Service’s virtual conference)
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) would be honoured to welcome you at #MovingTarget2020. In the context of the German Presidency of the European Council, we would like to discuss the present and future of global exchange in higher education.
If you would like to actively shape the conference, the Call for Contributions is still open until 1st August 2020. The conference addresses the following target areas, reflecting on internationalisation in the context of digital transformation:
1. Collaboration, Cooperation and Partnerships
How does digitalisation re-frame international collaboration between higher education institutions?
2. Mobility and Exchange: Physical – Blended – Virtual
How are student and staff mobility schemes transformed by blended and online formats?
3. Administrating Internationalisation Digitally: Data Ecosystems and Data Sovereignty
How can digital infrastructures and shared data standards help streamline administrative processes and student data transfer in the European Higher Education Area and beyond?
4. Attractiveness of HEIs in a Global Knowledge Society
How does digitalisation foster internationalisation; how can it help attract and retain international top talents as well as raise the attractiveness of institutions, regions or countries?
5. Knowledge Transfer, ‘Third Mission’ and Open Education
How can global knowledge transfer be supported in a digitally connected world, especially to address challenges that transcend national boundaries?
General registration will open in August. To keep informed, follow us on Twitter #MovingTarget2020 #DAADdigital and visit our conference website:
English version: https://www.daad.de/en/the-daad/what-we-do/moving-target/
If you have any further questions get in touch with the conference team via movingtarget@daad.de.
DAAD is looking forward to your contributions (submission template) and to (re-)thinking global exchange together with you!
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