Medical Education Research and Innovation Challenge (MERIC) grant

ScholarRx is announcing a call for grant applications as part of the Medical Education Research and Innovation Challenge (MERIC), a novel program designed to promote global educational scholarship and innovation. Please see this link for the full RFP:

ScholarRx MERIC aims to promote US and international educational scholarship and innovation through the ScholarRx/Rx Bricks/USMLE-Rx platform, which serves more than 50,000 student and physician learners each year. The MERIC small grants program will support health sciences education investigators seeking to collaborate with ScholarRx to test educational innovations and address questions ranging from educational methods and pedagogy to curricular development and student assessment. ScholarRx expects to fund approximately 4-6 projects with budgets from $2,500 to $10,000 in this call.

A letter of intent (LOI) for this call must be received by 11:59 PM EST on December 1, 2020. Selected investigators will be invited to submit a full proposal. Awards will be announced April 2, 2021.

For more information or to discuss a project, please contact us at

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